Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday Morning

So I finally picked up a computer again this morning.  The holidays brought me an iPhone and a Xbox 360 which have soaked up a lot of my free time lately and therefore my blog time.  Hopefully I will balance my life a little better... well, for a month anyway, then it's time for baby Daniel!  He will dominate my life, but I am super excited.  It is amazing to feel him move around in Michelle's abdomen.  He has already kicked me hard enough in the night to wake me up.  That's a trip!  Ok, this blog is more of a ramble, but a jumpstart into blogging again.... peace.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Working MAC PRO and my new iphone!

So today I worked my first day at MAC PRO in San Francisco and I must say - I was impressed! The level of customer service, professionalism between coworkers, fun work atmosphere, and creative artistry within every single person there was AMAZING.  I had to make sure I wasn't just standing there watching someone do a make up and actually stay busy with doing something because I would just want to get lost and watch them work. I was both humbled and awestruck by working there today... and also very tired when I got off my six hour shift. (I stand the whole time and I'm just at my eight month pregnancy mark, OKAY!?:) It's about a 45 minute commute into and out of the city each way (which is enough to not want to work there all the time) and I'm astounded by how many people make that commute everyday without even flinching. CALL ME A SMALL TOWN GIRL - I'm totally okay with it! 
When Daniel picked me up he told me he had an early Christmas present to give me. You guessed it - I got an iphone too! I was happy to see how much Daniel loved his (the one I got him for his birthday earlier this month) and how he raves about it to everyone at work and I told him that I would like to eventually get one myself but I was perfectly okay with my razor phone until then. Well, there was one sitting at home waiting for me and I've been transferring all my info on it ever since! What a lovely gift. And a big thanks to Terri and Doug who also pitched in to get it for me too. I love it! :) I'm posting a picture of me as I head out the door to go to work (feeling a little nervous!) and a picture of me and my new phone ten seconds after I got it! :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rain day

It is finally raining pretty good down here in the Bay Area. Traction is significantly reduced as all the oils from the road are being rinsed off which in turn means more people are crashing. I don't get why people still try to drive so fast in the rain. The dreary weather makes me want to sleep not drive fast.... If anything exciting happens I'll throw it up here.


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Tis' the season - for an update!

I'm not really sure how to start this blog. Usually I blog right after something happened (like when I was mistaken for a pregnant lesbian with a pregnant partner... TWICE.) but I feel like I'm having to pull this blog out of the air and just right down a few thoughts. I guess this will just be a little update for all ya'll. 

The baby and I are doing great! Last night Daniel and I were playing with him and I think he was getting mad. We've noticed lately how baby Daniel LOVES to hang out up by my ribs thus making it fairly uncomfortable for me to BREATH or sit down without feeling like he's playing my ribs like a harp. So we'd gently squish him down towards my lower tummy and hold our hands there while he'd try to push against our hands to get back to his favorite spot! We could tell he was like, "HEY!! What's going on out there?!" and we'd sit there and laugh! It's great fun to play with a baby we haven't even met yet. I feel like he has so much personality already and when Daniel talks to him he responds by kicking him back in his face. We are so ready to meet our son! 

Daniel and I just went to see the San Francisco Ballet perform The Nutcracker and it was amazing. So much fun! We also went to his first work Christmas party which was a lot of fun. Very entertaining to see CHP officers getting down on the dance floor all night. It was good times for sure. 

I'm posting a picture of the MAC Store that I've been working at a lot this month. It's off of Burlingame Ave which is a neato place to shop. The store itself has only been there since last April and it still has that new feel to it. I'm also working the Hillsdale location in the mall this week and MAC PRO in San Francisco which I'm looking forward to!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Trying out this blog thingy...

Howdy ya'll!  Michelle and I are going to give this whole blogging thing a try.  With all the big changes, new career and baby on the way, it seems like a good time to start journaling this stuff.  

Actually, anytime is a good time to start journaling.  

I am going to really try hard to be consistent in my blogging.  I promise!
