Friday, March 21, 2008

Smiles and Gas-x.

I love when babies react to your cooing! I love it even more when MY baby starts smiling after I say his name or talk to him. He's just started doing that. When he's happy he is SO funny. All smily when we talk to him and then he starts talking back. He can almost click his tongue after every single time we do and he can stick out his tongue now every time after us. He's laughed twice in his sleep (BUT IT COUNTS!!) and it makes my heart melt. I love his smell. I could kiss him all day, and I usually do. I went to go see 'The Other Boleyn Girl' yesterday with a girl
friend (who also had her newborn son) for our first movie/hang out time minus our babies and the big pregnant bellies and it was great. But I'm not gonna lie, I was really excited to see my boys by the time the movie got out! 

Anyways, life is awesome. I'm getting ready for my family to come visit us next week! I can't wait to see you guys! Plus we're planning on bringing baby Daniel to meet his Great-Grandpa too so it should be good. 

Oh, and the gas-x comment refers to us having to pump his legs up to his chest at least a million times a day to help the poor boy out! I want to die laughing after every "Pooooooofffffffff" we hear and then him coo like he's saying, "YES, THANK YOU!" 

Here's a picture of baby at one week old and then the most recent picture of him in the same pose at eight weeks. Yep, we've officially arrived to "smily town"!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

"They grow up so fast!"

That statement doesn't sound like it packs much of a punch coming from a mother of a seven week old baby but it's so true! He has changed so much in so many different ways it's amazing. Baby Daniel is so much more alert now and showing a lot of emotion in his daily life. We know what cries mean what, what his different facial expressions mean, when he's concentrating on something really hard (like trying to imitate the face that dad makes when he's sticks his tongue out), and when he's perfectly happy just staring at something weather it be your face or a book you're reading to him, or a blank wall! He is just amazing and we are having a lot of fun with him. 
Baby and I have finally nailed down breast feeding (PRAISE THE LORD!!) so now it doesn't feel like I'm feeding a shark anymore. Daniel is about to start his second week of work and he is loving working graveyards. It has been interesting though with both Daniel's sleeping schedules because the hours Daniel is at work are exactly the hours we are trying to flip flop baby Daniel to sleep. And then once baby and I make it through a night and it's morning time Daniel gets home from work ready to sleep for the next six hours. Oh well. Baby Daniel has been gracious enough to sleep a good 5 1/2 hours during the night so I'll feed him at midnight and won't wake up to feed him again until 5:30 the next morning. 
We have discovered many wonderful things this past month. Visiting family and friends and seeing them pour out their love on baby Daniel... the value of good sleep, the baby smiling when he's happy (or pooping), how much Daniel and I love each other, and most recently:!!! They deliver!!! AMEN. 