For now, we are renting a big beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house off of Shasta View that we were so blessed to find. We love it, and it's about $800 cheaper than the tiny apartment we had in Redwood City. It's pretty empty feeling since we've never had a lot of furniture but that will come eventually. :)
I spent my very first Mother's Day with my family. It's so nice to be close to my mother and sisters, they have been a big help (especially my youngest sister Carissa) when Daniel is gone for the week. I don't really like being alone in the house so she keeps me company and helps with the baby. My youngest brother is here with me ever so often too. It's very sweet of them.
I'm still an on call/freelance artist for M.A.C. and I hope to work a few shifts here and there at the counter again if they need the help. Daniel is amazing. I am so thankful for him and everything he does to take care of his family. He is still on grave yards and is having a good time with it. I'm looking into getting our first family portraits taken by the amazing Heather Armstrong so if that happens I will let you know where you can view the latest pictures of us!