The path life is taking right now is one of the most challenging times for me. Not physically, but emotionally and spiritually. I have never been in a better position financially, my wife and son are healthy and I am surrounded by some amazing friends. While I am in a good place, my siblings, my parents, my grandparents and some friends are facing some of the toughest times they have seen. It leaves me wondering what to do. All the things I thought were steadfast and sure in life have been turned upside down. Except one thing.
Now I sit, faced with an up and down roller-coaster everyday. I laugh with my dad, trying not to get depressed, watching as he tries to start his life from scratch. I chat with friends and try to be supportive as we try to sort through the confusion and heartbreak presented before us. I avoid the news because it just makes me want to quit. Apparently misery is the new happy. Michelle is listening to a song right now that sums it up, "All we can do is keep breathing" - Ingrid Michaelson. And pray.
Oh well. This is the path in life I am on, for better or worse. All I am going to do is try to live up to my name. My first name, for example, means "God is my judge". My family motto from ancient times is "Victory or death". That's a lot to live up to, good thing I don't quit easily.
Thanks for reading my blah-blog.