Post #10, the first post from our new computer. Michelle and I finally decided to take the plunge and buy a desktop computer. I really do not know why we resisted for so long. Maybe it was my way of being ready to move at a moments notice. Not feeling comfortable with things that have semi-permanent psyche.
Our laptop, a 5 year old 15" Powerbook, has done an outstanding job as our main computing machine. It even handled Lightroom and Photoshop CS4 processes, not fast mind you, but handled them. Once we started getting excited about the possibilities available with the new iPad, thanks in a large part to our good friend Jesse Rosten, we looked into picking one up. Looking closer at the system requirements, it became clear that our laptop would not be able to sync. If you are syncing with Mac, it needs an Intel chip.
That's not the first time I have not been able to do something because my computer was getting too old and decrepit, so we went all out. My face is being light up by a 27" iMac screen that takes approximately .5 seconds for my eyes to travel from one side to the other and it is glorious! It makes me wonder why we waited so long to do this. My neck and back no longer hurt from leaning forward in order to view the screen and the photos look amazing on here! I can not wait to get some new shots to edit. In fact, I may have to revisit some old edits and see if I can't improve on them now that I can see details.
Work time is quickly approaching, so I must head off, but I'll leave you with a photo comparison of the old and new.
Thank you Jesus for iMac's!! I too am very very happy. :)