Sunday, June 29, 2008


Howdy internet world. Michelle told me she posted a new blog and it reminded me that we had one. Then I had to ask what the web address was, yeah, it's that bad!

I have been spending a lot of my time sitting at various Starbucks around the penninsula, watching people and waiting for work to come around again. So maybe with this spare time I can post a few more blogs. Reading would be fun too. Who knows, hopefully I can be slightly productive and increase my knowledge in a subject or practice my literacy.

Having this much time to yourself can be scary. There are all kinds of decisions you are forced to make. For example, what do you want to do? It does make you exercise your brain a lot more. More time to think, less time to be distracted by 30 second commercials and distracting video games. Although the distractions are nice every now and then. In my line of work, I make decisions all day long, so a little time with no thinking at all is a nice break. But then the brain synapses start working again and I begin thinking. So back to thinking...


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy to just be...

Hi Friends! Just wanted to show you some of the pictures from our wonderful shoot by Heather Armstrong here in Redding this past month. It's so great to have pictures of all of us together... as a family. Usually I'm the one behind the camera! Heather was just amazing! Seriously. You'll have to check out her website to see the rest of her work. 

I'm still waiting to hear back from the M.A.C. counter to see if they need any extra coverage. If they do, I'm their "go to" girl and will be happy to help out! I should find out more next month. For now, I'm perfectly happy sitting down friends and them letting me practice on their faces! If you are interested let me know. The more the better!

Daniel is doing great. He still commutes and we still miss him like heck when he's gone!! He is always wonderful with the baby. There is never a time when he's not willing to help out so I can get a little break when he's here! 

Alright, well I hope you are all well. Daniel and I will be celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary very soon and we're planning on seeing the 4th of July fireworks in San Francisco this year! Should be fun. All for now.