Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What Happens In Vegas

"Really?! Has it really been five years already?" That's what we were saying on our trip to Las Vegas for the weekend. It was great! And it was our first real weekend away from baby Daniel so it was a big step for us all. We had a great time! We shopped til we dropped. It was such a treat and I am so thankful for a husband who doesn't mind hitting up the retail stores with me. We went to The Forum Shops where I bought some product at MAC PRO. We went to Miracle Mile and I went into Urban Outfitters for the first time and bought a dress and jacket at H&M and the sweetest pair of heels I've ever laid eyes on at Bakers. But I think my trip to Fashion Show Mall where I got two dresses from Betsey Johnson was the highlight. Truly, I was in retail heaven this weekend!

We went and walked the strip and it was pretty crazy due to 4th of July weekend. Hope everyone had a great 4th this year by the way. We went and saw Circ De Soleil's "O" at the Bellagio which was amazing and saw fireworks after that. I think I was literally on the edge of my seat most of the time watching "O".

The next day was filled with more sites to see and then hanging by the pool to catch some sun. We had a lovely dinner at the Top of the World restaurant followed by my winning $58 on the penny slots!! Thank you to Mom and Dad for watching baby Daniel this weekend! Without you we wouldn't have been able to go away for our anniversary. And thank you also for the card. Aunt Alison I got yours too! :) You helped make this anniversary that much more special.
